Wednesday, February 11, 2015

to do

cultivate strong networks in family and friends
develop moral self discipline, focus, and wisdom; a healthy sense of self, focusing on self-development towards external contribution while being selfless and eliminating ego
invest in others' development; help others tap into their strengths, suspend judgement and listen, speaking only when necessary or beneficial, 
cultivate and spread feelings of joy and well-being, gratitude, and a sense of universality/connection with all others, a kind of spiritual development 
exercise, eat well, maintain good health
educate oneself on local/national/global history
educate oneself on current events, issues
in economics, politics, and national and global affairs; gender, race, and class inequalities, the environment, internet security and surveillance, media, technology and science in general, education, labour,
hone skills, hobbies, and "flow activities"; creative, hands on activities for expression and tactile aesthetic experience, as well as intellectual activities such as reading and writing;
experience music and art 
develop practical, employable skills to find meaningful work and build a career
in which a contribution is made
be technologically competent and learn new relevant skills
engage in public discourse in the service of others
tell everyone you love them

“We have to end apartheid and slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. Ensure a strong national defence, prevent the spread of violence within central urban areas, work on the middle east settlement, prevent US military involvement overseas. We have to ensure that the US is respected as one of the world’s economic leaders. Now that’s not to belittle our domestic problems, which are equally important, if not more. Better and more affordable long -term care for the elderly , control and find the cure for the AIDS epidemic, clean up environmental damage from toxic waste and pollution, improve the quality of primary and secondary education, strengthen laws to crack down on crime and illegal drugs. We also have to ensure university education is affordable to everyone and protect the Medical Health Service for everyone plus conserve natural resources and areas of nature beauty and reduce the influence of political action committees.

But economically we’re still a mess. We have to find a way to hold down the inflation rate and reduce the national debt. We also need to provide training and jobs for the unemployed as well as protecting existing US jobs from unfair foreign imports. We have to make England and the rest of the US a leader in new technology and at the same time preserve our historical companies. We need to promote economic growth and business expansion and hold the line against income tax and hold down interest rates while promoting opportunities for small businesses and control mergers and big corporate takeovers.

We cannot ignore our social needs either. We have to stop people for abusing our welfare system, while still providing food and shelter for the homeless. We need to oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights while also promoting equal rights for women but change abortion laws to protect the right to life yet still maintain women’s freedom of choice. We have to control the influx of illegal immigrants. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values and curb graphic sex and violence on TV, in the movies, in popular music, everywhere, but allow freedom of choice to those above a consenting age. Most importantly we have to promote general social concerns and less materialism in young people.”
-B.E.E., Am. Psycho

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